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May 01, 2006


Ian Fogg

re Apple being just a single zone solution.

This isn't correct. See:

Sure, it isn't as elegant as a full Sonos solution, but it is much cheaper and 'just works' and works well.

Avi Greengart

Ian, I haven't had an Apple system in for review for a while, but my understanding is that the Apple system has been updated to stream the same song to up to three locations. While that's a very nice feature, that's not the same thing as multi-zone, where different zones can get different music.



As a long time Sonos user I agree with your review. I really like the system but the fact that I have to keep searching for the controller (or carry it with me around the house) is a hassle. In general the controller is a bit of an overkill for me most of the time. I use it when I have the time to drill down into specific artists or albums but 90% of the time I just want to walk into a room and turn on the music with a simple in-wall keypad. The Sonos controller is a great way to fine tune the music but for basic stuff like volume, next track, etc., it seems overkill (for me). I can't tell you how many times I've been out on the deck with the controller only to forget it when I moved back inside or upstairs. Adding another controller doesn't really solve the problem for me. It can't mount on the wall (cleanly) with the power cord and I don't want another remote sitting on a table.

It's to the point where I pretty much resigned myself to adding a 6-zone Russound system with either the ZP100's or a ZP80 as one of the sources. I would welcome a Sonos in-wall option with limited functionality. That way I could mute a room, change the song, or just adjust the volume, all with out finding the darn controller which is always in the wrong place.


Great review, but one doesn't need a PC to play music on the SONOS system, you can also use a NAS disk to get your music from. But I must admit that using the PC is easier to put playlists together or to configure the system. My NAS sits somewhere in the basement and so the noise of the spinning HD doesn't bother me. Also it is a lot faster to start up a NAS from sleep mode than to boot a WIN PC.

Great product btw, it does what is advertised and never let me down.



At those prices adding a Wireless network bridge for $50 ~ $80 is not that much. Specially if the alternative is having a $350 box sitting besides the computer doing nothing much.

Thanks for the excellent review. I was considering one of these for purchase.
I'd LOVE a waterproof one to set up with some outdoors bose speakers, more than one for the bathroom ;)



Great review. I too am a long time Sonos (ZP100) user and find it to be an excellent system. You forgot one setup which is initially why I bought my system--home theater. granted it is not a full 5.1 set up but for me being able to have the audio out from my Motorola STB go into my Sonos player is fantastic. My full-blown HT system is downstairs but with Sonos I can watch TV and listen to my rhapsody service in my living room with the minimal amount of audio components. It is awesome. I have converted many people when they see my system.


I too would welcome an in-wall, simplified controller.

That would make the Sonos solution, in my mind, one of the best and most affordable out there.

Terje (the Digital Piano Man) Brooks

Iam a Sonos (ZP100) user too and find it to be an excellent system too and the idea of having multizone music can solve the need for different systems (which i had before) this way my family gets to enjoy each type of music that each person wants (piano is not suitable for my brothers) and i dont like rock too..

so without using ipods or fighting for what is played we each custumize his room

great system and great post thanks

Tv On Wall

Thanks for this great post!

Wall Tv

Wonderful post! Thanks a lot...

Wall Lcd

Thank you very much for your post...

Plasma Mounting


Tv Installation

Good and very informative ....

plasma installation

I have just taken on Sonos installation

wireless surround sound speakers

Thanks for the input o nth soso systems.

ipod earbuds

this is one of the most informative blogs I've seen in ages. keep up the good work.

Home AV

I got sonos and its really impressive

Home AV

Also installing 6 of these bad boys next week

sonos music system

Sonos and Napster, great


these are great. i love sonos.

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